Yeah, 6 more days to go is the last month for year 2008 that is the month full of holidays (8 Dec Hari Raya Haji, 25 Dec Chrismas and 29 Dec Awal Muharram). Great, can have more time to rest at home.......
Suddenly i think about the fuels price again, after last reduction on 18 Nov, many of the communities still asking themselves is fuel price will still reduce from Rm2 to Rm1.85 for RON97? This question still cannot get the right person to answer it....
But anyhow, i believe our government sure will consider to reduce it if worldwide raw fuels price is continuous decreased.. So, let us together count down for the December to arrive for all this good news....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Save our Environment, Save our World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This afternoon, the sunlight is very strong but not that hot, a group of my colleagues drove to Filem Negara Malaysia located at Jalan Sultan Tengah joining the Kempen Bumi Hijau programmes. At first, we thought we are planting a tree, but is not... it is doing some plantation for vegetables or fruit.
Bare in mind my readers, although it is not planting a tree, but as long as planting up a greenish plant, it consider one of the way to save our environment and at the same time we may have some time to build up our relationship between each other. Overall, it was enjoyable although it is very tired doing plantation under the hot sun.. Hehe....
Right after the hard work, the organiser prepare some poco-poco dance to everyone of us to relax up our mind before we make a move ...
Anyhow, this activities is enjoyable and meaningful. Although we only setting up a mini farm, but this may able to contribute in a small portion to save our environment and together save our world......
Fuel Prices: The 5th Reduction
Dear all my readers, another good news i wish to update here, and this is my 5th time update the same issue that is our nation fuel prices will reduce for another 15 sen effective on 18 November 2008 following the Government's decision to lower fuel prices in tandem with the downward trend of global oil prices, said Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in a statement on Monday. Therefore, the pump price of RON97 petrol will be RM2 a litre from RM2.15 while the retail price of RON92 petrol and diesel is RM1.90 a litre.
Najib in the statement said, this is the fifth downward revision since August in honouring the Government's promise to the people to lower fuel prices if oil prices dwindled in the world market and he hoped traders would also lower prices of goods and services following the reduction in fuel prices to enable the people to reap the full benefits of cheaper fuel.
In relation to his statement, i am sure that everyone of us is still waiting for the reduction of goods and services prices. Therefore, let us together give the full support to our government for a better tomorow and we wish there will be another good news again on fuel prices by early of december....
Najib in the statement said, this is the fifth downward revision since August in honouring the Government's promise to the people to lower fuel prices if oil prices dwindled in the world market and he hoped traders would also lower prices of goods and services following the reduction in fuel prices to enable the people to reap the full benefits of cheaper fuel.
In relation to his statement, i am sure that everyone of us is still waiting for the reduction of goods and services prices. Therefore, let us together give the full support to our government for a better tomorow and we wish there will be another good news again on fuel prices by early of december....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Airasia Scraps Fuel Surcharge. How about Luggages Handling Charge??????

According to its Chief Operating Officer, Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes, AirAsia becomes the first airline in the world to do away with the fuel surcharge for all its flights where previously passengers paid an average of RM47.
Fernandes, however, added that he could not guarantee that the airline would not reimpose the surcharge should world fuel prices skyrocket again.
Regarding the check-in baggage handling fee, Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes feedback that it would remain with the reasons that
1. Fuel prices
2. To limit luggage, and
3. To be more environmentally friendly which mean the lighter the plane, the less emissions there will be.
But, for my opinion, all these three reason cannot wisely explain why the check in luggages fees still remain because as long as the airline strictly control the weight limitation for check in luggages and penalty, it will be more than enough to control the numbers of luggages.
Therefore, there might have 2 reason why apply the luggage handling charge:
1. To get profit from the charges
2. To limit luggage so that more space for the purpose of AirAsia Cargo.
So, therefore, for the purpose to benifited all parties, we hope, AirAsia can follow Malaysia Airlines that no luggages handling charges in the future......
父母永遠只有一個 (Must read if you understand Mandarin)
This afternoon when i check my mail, suddenly received a mail from somebody that i dont know, surprise a while and the topic of the email is very attractive - 父母永遠只有一個 which mean There is only 1 mum and 1 dad in our life. So i click the mail and found it was a very long mail. But, since the topic is very attractive, i concentrate myself and finish the article.
The story so touch and there is a feeling like going to cry before i finish the article, but i have to control my own as i was in the office and continue reading it at home. By midnight and i spend my time to finish the article, it was really touch and i was really cried. Dear my readers, it really a good article and i decide to post it here. For those who understand mandarin, please read it and for those not understand mandarin, do approach me for the translation....
The story is as below:
媳婦說:[煮淡一點妳就嫌沒有味,現在煮鹹一點妳卻說咽不下,妳究竟想怎麼樣 ?」 母親一見兒子回來,二話不說便把飯菜往咀裡送。
她怒瞪他一眼。 他試了一口,馬上吐出來,兒子說:「我不是說過了嗎,媽有病不能吃太鹹!」 「那好!媽是你的,以後由你來煮!」媳婦怒氣沖沖地回房。
兒子無奈地輕嘆一聲,然後對母親說:「媽,別吃了,我去煮個麵給妳.」 「仔,你是不是有話想跟媽說,是就說好了,別憋在心裡! 「 媽,公司下個月升我職,我會很忙,至於老婆,她說很想出來工作,所以 ....」 母親馬上意識到兒子的意思:「 仔,不要送媽去老人院。」 聲音似乎在哀求。 兒子沉默片刻,他是在尋找更好的理由。
「媽,其實老人院並沒有甚麼不好,妳知道老婆一但工作,一定沒有時間好好服侍妳。老人院有吃有住有人服侍照顧,不是比在家裡好得多嗎?」「可是,阿財叔他 ....」
「 可以陪你下半世的人是你老婆,難道是你媽嗎?」 阿財叔的兒子總是這樣提醒他
「 你媽都這麼老了,好命的話可以活多幾年,為何不趁這幾年好好孝順她呢?」親戚總是這樣勸他。
夕晚,太陽收斂起灼熱的金光,躲在山後憩息。 一間建在郊外山崗的一座貴族老人院。
是的,錢用得越多,兒子才心安理得。當兒子領著母親步入大廳時,嶄新的電視機,42吋的螢幕正播放著一部喜劇, 但觀眾一點笑聲也沒有。 幾個衣著一樣,髮型一樣的老嫗歪歪斜斜地坐在梳化上,神情呆滯而有一個老人在自言自語,有個正緩緩彎下腰,想去撿掉在地上的一塊餅乾吃。 兒子知道母親喜歡光亮,所以為她選了一間陽光充足的房間。從窗口望出去,樹蔭下,一片芳草如茵。幾名護士推著坐在輪椅的老者在夕陽下散步,四周悄然寂靜得令人心酸。縱是夕陽無限好,畢竟已到了黃昏,他心中低低嘆息。
「媽,我........我要走了 !」母親只能點頭。他走時,母親頻頻揮手,她張著沒有牙的嘴,蒼白乾燥的咀唇在囁嚅著,一副欲語還休的樣子。兒子這才注意到母親銀灰色的頭髮,深陷的眼窩以及打著細紋臉。母親,真的老了!
他霍然記起一則兒時舊事。那年他才6歲,母親有事回鄉,不便攜他同行,於是把他寄住在阿財叔家幾天。母親臨走時,他驚恐地抱著母親的腿傷心大聲號哭道:「 媽媽不要丟下我!媽媽不要走!」 最後母親沒有丟下他。
身高3呎的獎杯── 那是他小學作文比賽「我的母親」第1名的勝利品!
「 就是嘛!你趕快把你媽那張爛床給抬出去,我明天要為我媽添張新的 !」
一堆童年的照片展現在兒子眼前,那是母親帶他到動物園和遊樂園拍的照片.「 它們是我媽的財產,一樣也不能丟!」
「 你這算甚態度?對我媽這麼大聲,我要你向我媽道歉!」
「 我娶妳就要愛妳的母親,為甚麼妳嫁給我就不能愛我的母親? 」
雨後的黑夜分外冷寂,街道蕭瑟,行人車輛格外稀少。一輛寶馬在路上飛馳,頻頻闖紅燈,陷黃格,呼一聲又飛馳而過。那輛轎車一路奔往山崗上的那間老人院,停車直奔上樓,推開母親臥房的門。他幽靈似地站著,母親正撫摸著風濕痛的雙腿低泣。她見到兒子手中正拿著那瓶風濕油,顯然感到安慰的說:「 媽忘了帶,幸好你拿來! 」他走到母親身邊,跪了下來。
他囁嚅片刻,終於忍不住啜泣道 : 「媽,對不起,請原諒我!我們回家去吧 !」
父母親總是將最好、最寶貴的留給我們,像蠟燭不停的燃燒自己,照亮孩子!而我呢?有沒有騰出一個空間給我的父母,或者只是在當我需要停泊岸時, 才會想起他們……其實父母親要的真的不多,只是一句隨意的問候:爸、媽,你們今天好嗎?」隨意買的宵夜,煮一頓再普通不過的晚餐;,睡前幫他們蓋蓋被子,天冷幫他們添衣服、戴手套……都能讓他們高興溫馨很久。
有時,我常在想:我希望我的子女以後如何對我。 那現在,我有沒有如此對待我的父母? 我相信,人是環環相扣的;現在,你如何對待你的父母;以後,你的子女就如何待你。
The story so touch and there is a feeling like going to cry before i finish the article, but i have to control my own as i was in the office and continue reading it at home. By midnight and i spend my time to finish the article, it was really touch and i was really cried. Dear my readers, it really a good article and i decide to post it here. For those who understand mandarin, please read it and for those not understand mandarin, do approach me for the translation....
The story is as below:
媳婦說:[煮淡一點妳就嫌沒有味,現在煮鹹一點妳卻說咽不下,妳究竟想怎麼樣 ?」 母親一見兒子回來,二話不說便把飯菜往咀裡送。
她怒瞪他一眼。 他試了一口,馬上吐出來,兒子說:「我不是說過了嗎,媽有病不能吃太鹹!」 「那好!媽是你的,以後由你來煮!」媳婦怒氣沖沖地回房。
兒子無奈地輕嘆一聲,然後對母親說:「媽,別吃了,我去煮個麵給妳.」 「仔,你是不是有話想跟媽說,是就說好了,別憋在心裡! 「 媽,公司下個月升我職,我會很忙,至於老婆,她說很想出來工作,所以 ....」 母親馬上意識到兒子的意思:「 仔,不要送媽去老人院。」 聲音似乎在哀求。 兒子沉默片刻,他是在尋找更好的理由。
「媽,其實老人院並沒有甚麼不好,妳知道老婆一但工作,一定沒有時間好好服侍妳。老人院有吃有住有人服侍照顧,不是比在家裡好得多嗎?」「可是,阿財叔他 ....」
「 可以陪你下半世的人是你老婆,難道是你媽嗎?」 阿財叔的兒子總是這樣提醒他
「 你媽都這麼老了,好命的話可以活多幾年,為何不趁這幾年好好孝順她呢?」親戚總是這樣勸他。
夕晚,太陽收斂起灼熱的金光,躲在山後憩息。 一間建在郊外山崗的一座貴族老人院。
是的,錢用得越多,兒子才心安理得。當兒子領著母親步入大廳時,嶄新的電視機,42吋的螢幕正播放著一部喜劇, 但觀眾一點笑聲也沒有。 幾個衣著一樣,髮型一樣的老嫗歪歪斜斜地坐在梳化上,神情呆滯而有一個老人在自言自語,有個正緩緩彎下腰,想去撿掉在地上的一塊餅乾吃。 兒子知道母親喜歡光亮,所以為她選了一間陽光充足的房間。從窗口望出去,樹蔭下,一片芳草如茵。幾名護士推著坐在輪椅的老者在夕陽下散步,四周悄然寂靜得令人心酸。縱是夕陽無限好,畢竟已到了黃昏,他心中低低嘆息。
「媽,我........我要走了 !」母親只能點頭。他走時,母親頻頻揮手,她張著沒有牙的嘴,蒼白乾燥的咀唇在囁嚅著,一副欲語還休的樣子。兒子這才注意到母親銀灰色的頭髮,深陷的眼窩以及打著細紋臉。母親,真的老了!
他霍然記起一則兒時舊事。那年他才6歲,母親有事回鄉,不便攜他同行,於是把他寄住在阿財叔家幾天。母親臨走時,他驚恐地抱著母親的腿傷心大聲號哭道:「 媽媽不要丟下我!媽媽不要走!」 最後母親沒有丟下他。
身高3呎的獎杯── 那是他小學作文比賽「我的母親」第1名的勝利品!
「 就是嘛!你趕快把你媽那張爛床給抬出去,我明天要為我媽添張新的 !」
一堆童年的照片展現在兒子眼前,那是母親帶他到動物園和遊樂園拍的照片.「 它們是我媽的財產,一樣也不能丟!」
「 你這算甚態度?對我媽這麼大聲,我要你向我媽道歉!」
「 我娶妳就要愛妳的母親,為甚麼妳嫁給我就不能愛我的母親? 」
雨後的黑夜分外冷寂,街道蕭瑟,行人車輛格外稀少。一輛寶馬在路上飛馳,頻頻闖紅燈,陷黃格,呼一聲又飛馳而過。那輛轎車一路奔往山崗上的那間老人院,停車直奔上樓,推開母親臥房的門。他幽靈似地站著,母親正撫摸著風濕痛的雙腿低泣。她見到兒子手中正拿著那瓶風濕油,顯然感到安慰的說:「 媽忘了帶,幸好你拿來! 」他走到母親身邊,跪了下來。
他囁嚅片刻,終於忍不住啜泣道 : 「媽,對不起,請原諒我!我們回家去吧 !」
父母親總是將最好、最寶貴的留給我們,像蠟燭不停的燃燒自己,照亮孩子!而我呢?有沒有騰出一個空間給我的父母,或者只是在當我需要停泊岸時, 才會想起他們……其實父母親要的真的不多,只是一句隨意的問候:爸、媽,你們今天好嗎?」隨意買的宵夜,煮一頓再普通不過的晚餐;,睡前幫他們蓋蓋被子,天冷幫他們添衣服、戴手套……都能讓他們高興溫馨很久。
有時,我常在想:我希望我的子女以後如何對我。 那現在,我有沒有如此對待我的父母? 我相信,人是環環相扣的;現在,你如何對待你的父母;以後,你的子女就如何待你。
老人安養院牆上發現的一篇文章 孩子!當你還很小的時候, 我花了很多時間,教你慢慢用湯匙、用筷子吃東西。 教你繫鞋帶、扣扣子、溜滑梯、教你穿衣服、梳頭髮、擰鼻涕。 這些和你在一起的點點滴滴,是多麼的令我懷念不已。所以,當我想不起來,接不上話時,請給我一點時間,等我一下,讓我再想一想……極可能最後連要說什麼,我也一併忘記。孩子! 你忘記我們練習了好幾百回,才學會的第一首娃娃歌嗎?是否還記得每天總要我絞盡腦汁,去回答不知道你從哪裡冒出來的嗎?所以,當我重覆又重覆說著老掉牙的故事,哼著我孩提時代的兒歌時,體諒我。讓我繼續沉醉在這些回憶中吧!切望你,也能陪著我閒話家常吧!孩子,現在我常忘了扣扣子、繫鞋帶。吃飯時,會弄髒衣服,梳頭髮時手還會不停的抖,不要催促我,要對我多一點耐心和溫柔,只要有你在一起,就會有很多的溫暖湧上心頭。 孩子!如今,我的腳站也站不穩,走也走不動。所以,請你緊緊的握著我的手,陪著我,慢慢的。就像當年一樣,我帶著你一步一步地走。 若為人子女也不懂得如何體諒他們, 那他們便只能於痛苦中渡過餘生,黑暗中逝去....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Barack Obama become US 1st Black President



The son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, the Democratic senator from Illinois sealed his victory by defeating Republican Sen. John McCain in a string of wins in hard-fought battleground states - Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Iowa.
After the winning of Barack Obama, a huge crowd in Grant Park in Chicago erupted in jubilation at the news of Obama's victory. Some wept.
However, Obama and his running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, will take their oaths of office as president and vice president on Jan. 20, 2009.
However, congratulation to Obama for the victory and historicaly become the first black president in U.S.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Good News after Fuel Prices Reduction - Rice Prices Down 20 sen
Everytime fuel prices decreased, prices of daily goods and food always become the main topic for the coffee talk where food n others daily goods might need to revised as well.
Good news from government again from Ministry of Agriculture and Agro Based Industry - That is rice in the country is now cheaper by an average of 20sen per kilo.
The grade of rice with 5% broken grains (Super Special Tempatan 5%) which was priced at RM2.80 is now RM2.60 per kilo while the price of Super Special Tempatan 10% has been cut from RM2.70 to RM2.50 per kilo.
However, prices of imported rice from Thailand are also slashed by 50sen from RM3.50 to RM3.00 per kilo.
Dear readers, it was a good news to all of us and we hoping for more goods to slashed down in this recent day.
Good news from government again from Ministry of Agriculture and Agro Based Industry - That is rice in the country is now cheaper by an average of 20sen per kilo.
The grade of rice with 5% broken grains (Super Special Tempatan 5%) which was priced at RM2.80 is now RM2.60 per kilo while the price of Super Special Tempatan 10% has been cut from RM2.70 to RM2.50 per kilo.
However, prices of imported rice from Thailand are also slashed by 50sen from RM3.50 to RM3.00 per kilo.
Dear readers, it was a good news to all of us and we hoping for more goods to slashed down in this recent day.
Fuel Price Once Again Reduce - The 4th reduction
Expectedly for my previous notes that fuel price might reduce again by early of November, it really become reality. Thanks to our government that revised the fuel price and thanks god that the global oil prices went down drastically.
So, the new price for RON97 is RM2.15 a litre (from RM2.30). Both RON92 and diesel are now RM2.05 a litre from RM2.20 previously which mean that all type of fuel were decreased 15 sen per litre.
During the announcement of the fuel price reduction, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said in a statement that the Government had decided to expedite the reduction to allow the public to enjoy the benefits and added by Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad that if the world crude oil price continued to drop at the present rate, local pump prices would likely revert to the pre-June price of RM1.92 per litre.
Therefore, we are still hoping for the reduction of fuel price by the middle of November...
So, the new price for RON97 is RM2.15 a litre (from RM2.30). Both RON92 and diesel are now RM2.05 a litre from RM2.20 previously which mean that all type of fuel were decreased 15 sen per litre.
During the announcement of the fuel price reduction, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said in a statement that the Government had decided to expedite the reduction to allow the public to enjoy the benefits and added by Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad that if the world crude oil price continued to drop at the present rate, local pump prices would likely revert to the pre-June price of RM1.92 per litre.
Therefore, we are still hoping for the reduction of fuel price by the middle of November...
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