Sunday, December 14, 2008

Safety belt compulsory for back seater - countdown 8 days to go from today (23/12/08) onward

Exhibition scene
Website that provide infomation on road safety

Opening ceremony of Road Safety Campaign Exhibition by Deputy Transport Minister

Participants that attend the function
3 weeks ago i was attend the road safety campaign exhibition at The Spring organised by "Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya Malaysia (JKJR) which is officiated by our Deputy Transport Minister.
During the opening speech by the Deputy Minister, he did mention several important points that we need to aware of. For example, starting 1 January 2009, safety belf is compulsory for back seater and compulsory to change helmet after used for up to 5 years. For more info, do visit
Dear my readers, to prevent being given compound by police force, do follow the rules for our safety as well.

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